The information contained on this website, and the templates sold on this website, do not constitute legal advice. Brampton Keats / eChimp Pty Ltd does not provide you with any legal advice in respect of the subject matter of this website and the products sold on this website, and only your legal practitioner that you have retained to review your completed template Separation Agreement can provide you with legal advice on your rights and liabilities in respect of separation and the Separation Agreement more generally.
The template Separation Agreement sold via this website is not specifically tailored to your circumstances and has been designed for you to tailor yourself by following the instructions set out in the associated User Guide. Brampton Keats / eChimp Pty Ltd does not provide any representations or warranties, or accept any liability, in respect of the use (incorrect or otherwise) of the template Separation Agreement whatsoever. Due to its bespoke nature, we do not include a provision for the splitting of superannuation. We recommend that our customers have this language provided by their independent legal advisor at the same time they obtain the certificate of independent legal advice. You must follow the instructions in the User Guide correctly and must engage an independent legal advisor to review the template Separation Agreement (once completed) who will be able to advise on whether the template has been properly completed and will be legally binding. Brampton Keats / eChimp Pty Ltd does not accept any responsibility for this.
Brampton Keats / eChimp Pty Ltd does not provide any guarantee or warranty in respect of the information provided on this website or the products sold on this website, and is not responsible for any loss, claim, liability, costs, injury or damage caused by use of the information contained on this website or the products sold on this website. Brampton Keats / eChimp Pty Ltd does not accept any liability for any direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage that you, or any third party, may suffer or incur by reason of your use of the products sold on this website or the information contained on this website.
Important Note: Under the Family Law Act 1975, the agreement is only binding once both parties have signed a Separation Declaration (annexed to the Separation Agreement), the Separation Agreement itself, and have obtained a Certificate of Independent Legal Advice, stating both parties have obtained independent legal advice prior to signing the agreement.